4 mm
Both sides
4mm X 10mm
1.2m X 40m
4 mm
One side
4mm X 10mm
1.2m X 40m
8 mm
Both sides
4mm X 10mm
1.25m X 40m
8 mm
One side
4mm X 10mm
1.25m X 40m
6 mm
Both sides
6mm X 20mm
1.25m X 40m
12 mm
Both sides
6mm X 20mm
1.25m X 40m
10 mm
Both sides
10mm X 30mm
1.25m X 40m
20 mm
Both sides
10mm X 30mm
1.25m X 40m
8 mm
Both sides
4mm X 10mm
1.25m X 30m
15 mm
Both sides
4mm X 10mm
1.25m X 30m
Under Deck Insulation: Installation in a new project or metal building is very economical, speedy and gets done along with the roofing system being laid.
Poultry/ Cow Shed Insulation: When it comes to proper rearing of livestock, Aerolam insulation is very effective in reducing heat stress caused by bare metal roofing sheds. Poultry output and reduced mortality rates are clearly dependent on reducing this heat stress.
Wall Insulation: Apart from roof assembly, walling insulation is also an important parameter for effective performance and safety in a number of buildings.
Under Deck Insulation for Existing Buildings: Aerolam insulation products can be retrofitted in existing structures without removing the roofing sheets.